Monday, November 5, 2007

The immobilser effect

Here is a great summary of how the new regulation about importing a vehicle with an immobiliser:

#1413 of 1424 Non Tariff Import Barriers by dreyfus1
Nov 05, 2007 (4:29 pm)
Non Tariff import barriers are as old as the hills. CMVSS114 the Canadian
Motor Vehicle Standard dealing with theft deterrence and immobilization is the
latest in a long line of Govt. Regs. being exploited by Manufacturers and
Dealers. CMVSS114 (latest iteration) was concocted in 2003. After extensive
consultation the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers Association (CVMA), individual
manufacturers, Insurance Bureau of canada (IBC), Insurance Company of British
Columbia and other industry groups it came into effect Sept. 01 2007. What is
most interesting is that the cost to the manufacturers to put it in each car was
estimated to be $32. Equally interesting is that the European and American
FMVSS114 standards were accepted up until Sept. 2007 at which time the United
Nations ECE standard replaced CMVSS114 which had been in effect up to that time.

It should be noted that IBC and ICBC were supportive of a home grown after
market solution or the system used by US manufacturers in high theft vehicles.
All this is not cast in stone, what the politicians/bureaucrats write can be
rewritten. It is not difficult for Lawrence Cannon the Minister of Transport to
instruct his bureaucrats to rewrite CMVSS114 to accept European, US (FMVSS114),
and IBC/ICBC standards.

We have a land border with a country that makes up 90%
of the NA market, it does not make sense to have Acts/Regs. that do not take
economic and geographic reality into account. The bottom line is that Canada has
a regulation that is adding $4,000 to $40,000 to the cost of a car for the
Canadian buyers. This regulation was not supported by the manufacturers or the
insurance industry when it was being formulated in 2003-2004. The manufacturers
have found it to be very useful in the past couple of years. This abomination
has to be amended and it is not a long drawn out process to get Privy Council to
issue and amendment. Lawrence Cannon the Minister of Transport is personally
responsible for presenting his recommendations and documentation to Privy
Council. Privy Council is a subset of Cabinet, after Cannon shifts the burden to
Privy Council you can then find Flaherty and Harper responsible for adding
$4,000 to $40,000 to the cost of your car. A $32 mod adds $4,000 to $40000 to
the cost of a car, Alice in Wonderland is alive and well, living in Canadian
Govt. Regulations. It is of little use to complain to bureaucrats in RIV or
Transport Canada they are following directions from their political masters.
When CMVSS114 is amended the manufacturers will come up with another non tariff
barrier to trade, this is the nature of the beast and only Govt. is in a
position to deal with it.

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